February 3, 2025

Why Barcode Validation and Verification is Important in the Supply Chain

Barcode verification or validation is an important supply chain process. A readable barcode indicates a high-quality product, eradicating its chances of being returned. Often, a bad barcode cannot be read by a barcode scanner and will incur additional costs for reprinting it, repackaging the product, and re-shipping it. A barcode validation process is performed to avoid these issues. This process involves the use of barcode verifiers for grading barcodes. 

Reasons for Verifying Barcodes

Barcodes need to be verified for various reasons, depending on the kind of barcode. A product barcode that does not scan will incur more money. Verifying barcodes ensures they will scan at every level of the supply chain. This improves your relationships with customers. A bad barcode can break the supply chain, cripple access to security systems, stop vital processes, and disrupt inventory. In critical care situations, it may cause injury and fatality. 

How to Verify Barcodes

Barcodes can be verified in many ways but the best way is to use a verifier. Here are your options for verifying barcodes:

  • Using a smartphone. In general, smartphones feature technology for scanning barcodes. But while they can read colored barcodes, they cannot effectively read barcodes. 
  • Using a scanner. Sometimes, a scanner may not read a barcode. You may want to use a scanner with a camera, CCD technology, or laser. But it might not read the same barcode utilized on the typical scanner. 
  • Using a verifier. To best verify a barcode, you need to use a verifier. While verifiers are not cheap, they are important in establishing your reputation and building customer loyalty. Without a verifier, you can still utilize a service to test barcodes, so you become familiar with the barcode verification and validation process. Also, this makes sure you are aware of possible liabilities associated with barcodes. 

Benefits of Verifying Barcodes

Verifying barcodes is important to maintain your supply chain and build a solid industry reputation. With this process, you can control the quality of the codes. It alerts verifiers on any printing problems at the productive level, preventing product returns and packaging waste.

In addition, big retailers often issue expensive chargebacks and fees as well as rejects products that do not meet their requirements for barcode readability. Product rejection can undermine your efforts for satisfying customers. Meanwhile, scannable barcodes will eliminate the errors made because of manual entry. In turn, this can reduce your expenses and improve the satisfaction of your customers. 

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